Belvedere Golf Club

2012 Rules and Regulations


1.1 In these regulations the term "the Club" or the word "Club" shall mean Belvedere Golf Club Inc.
1.2 The Constitution of the Belvedere Golf Club Incorporated is the governing document of the Club and prevails over all other rules, regulations and policies where the interpretation or application of such may appear inconsistent with the Constitution.
1.3 The Board of Directors by the power vested in it has established these Rules and Regulations of the Belvedere Golf Club. Every member when accepted for membership is required to become familiar with and abide by these Rules and Regulations and subsequent approved amendments.


2.1 Membership in the Club is dependent upon:
a) approval of the Board of Directors;
b) payment of annual Membership fees and all dues and assessments, applicable, including a surcharge if applicable, within the time frames outlined in the Constitution and these Rules and Regulations (see Section 4.1); and
c) compliance with the Rules and Regulations and Policies of the Club.
d) No applicant will be refused membership by reason of race, gender, creed, religion, ethnic or national origin or political affiliation.

2.2 The following classifications of membership are established by the Constitution:
d) JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP 10-11 Years old
e) JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP 12-18 Years old

2.3 All dues shall be prescribed by the Board in accordance with the Constitution.

2.4 Application for membership in the Club shall be forwarded with the requisite fees to the Club Manager for processing and presentation to the Board.

2.5 Any person who ceases to be a member of the Club, for any reason shall have no claim upon, or be entitled to have, any part of that member's dues refunded or cancelled. Notwithstanding, because of extenuating circumstances, the Board of Directors may set policy regarding membership credit or rebate.


3.1 The Club is administered, on behalf of the members, by a Board of Directors as set forth in the Constitution together with such management staff and committees as the Board may determine.


3.2 Club Committees are established to assist the Directors in the operation of the Club. The following Committees are required by the Constitution: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE AND NOMINATION COMMITTEE Other Committees may be established on an annual basis and usually include: Finance, House or Property, Greens, Games/Handicap, Social/Public Relations and Junior Development Committees and are normally chaired by a Board Member or and may include Board Members and Members at large.

3.3 A) The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club plus one other director.
B) The President and Club Manager shall be ex-officio members of all Committees and shall receive notice of all Committee meetings.

3.4 From time to time and as required, other ad hoc committees may be established to conduct affairs for the Board or to advise the Board on particular matters and the terms of reference will be clearly outlined in writing by the President/Executive Committee on an annual basis.

Club Manager

3.5 The Board of Directors may engage a suitable person to supervise day to day operations of the Club under the direction of the Board.

3.6 The person engaged by the Club as the Club Manager shall be responsible for the supervision of the operations of the Club and shall maintain adequate records of all income and expenditure in a manner satisfactory to the Executive Committee and Club auditors. The Manager shall be the chief operating officer and shall be accountable to the Board of Directors.

3.7 The Manager shall be responsible for engaging competent persons to provide the services required to maintain the Club at a high level of efficiency with the objective being the provision of maximum benefits to the Club members.

A) The Club Manager may recommend the dismissal of the Club Pro, Course Superintendent, and any Concessionaire. Any such dismissal shall be the final decision of the Board.
B) The Club Manager may discharge any other staff member failing to provide service in an efficient, courteous and satisfactory manner.
C) The Manager shall be responsible for reporting to the Board any observations and comments pertaining to the conduct of any person or corporation engaged by the Board to perform services under contract.

3.8 The Manager shall prepare and present a monthly report to the Board of Directors setting out the current financial position of the Club, the number and classification of current members and such other information as may be requested by the Board of Directors. The Manager shall record the minutes and may be required to record the minutes of other meetings.

3.9 The Manager shall draft policies based on the direction of the Board of Directors for their approval.

3.10 Consistent with these regulations the Manger will hear any complaints of the members and will with tact, attempt to remedy the cause of the complaint. The Manager shall assure that no unauthorized persons shall use the Club facilities and shall assure, subject to contractual obligations, that Club members are given priority in the use of Club facilities.

3.11 The Manager shall prepare and distribute at the Club premises a monthly calendar of events to accompany a monthly bulletin of Club news for the members. Subject to a policy adopted by the Board of Directors, the Manager is empowered to book non member golf tournaments and social events. Such events are to be governed by the need to maintain the integrity of priority of tee times for members.

3.12 The Manager shall perform any and all other duties consistent with the position, as the Board of Directors or Executive Committee may direct. The Manager shall at all times discharge the duties of Manager in a manner which will reflect the objectives of the Club to provide recreational facilities to the members in a pleasant atmosphere with the highest standards possible.


4.1 Anyone failing to pay the required annual fees, dues, assessments or surcharge applicable as and when required to do so shall forfeit one's right to membership and that person's membership shall be automatically cancelled. No refunds of partial payments shall be made. A "no pay, no play" policy shall be enforced. Those members who have not paid their first instalment, by April 15th shall not be allowed to play until payment of such instalment is received, together with such surcharge as assessed.


5.1 Belvedere Golf Club belongs to its members and it is every member's concern to guard and keep it in the best possible condition. Courtesy and consideration for fellow members and guests will enhance the image of an attractive centre of healthful physical activity, leisure time, relaxation and social relationships.

5.2 The Club will not be held responsible for any loss by fire, theft, water damage, etc. of golf clubs, bags, money or any personal property.

The club will not be held responsible for any personal or property injury sustained by a member or guest or any other person on or by reason of the use of Club property or facilities by that member or guest. All members are requested to provide themselves with proper and adequate insurance to cover any of these contingencies.

5.3 Any member causing damage or destruction to any Club property or any property for which the Club is responsible, shall be held directly responsible for such damage or destruction. Members are liable to provide monetary restitution.

5.4 No member or guest shall without authority, remove any Club property, such as flowers, shrubs plants, furniture, kitchen and bar dishes or supplies, etc. Any Club property loaned or rented out shall be signed for and arranged through the Manager prior to being removed from the property.

5.5 Solicitation of funds on the Club premises is forbidden without the consent of the Manager.

5.6 Members are not to interfere in any way with Club employees nor impede any employees in the discharge of their duties.

5.7 Members are not to reprimand or engage in any direct criticism of an employee of the Club. Any complaints shall be directed to the Board of Directors and the Manager


6.1 The Club welcomes the use of the facilities by members for the entertainment of their personal guests.

6.2 On all occasions where Club events are held such as the , President's Reception, Golfing Luncheons or Dinners, Dances, etc. members shall be notified either through E-Mail, the local media or any other effective means of communication.


7.1 The Rules of Golf shall govern the play on the Course, except in so far as the same may be modified by local rules adopted by a duly appointed committee of the Club.

7.2 Playing times Monday to Sunday may be booked 48 hours in advance by our Tee Time Reservation System or in person. The Reservation System will hold 2 times every hour to handle phone in reservations.

7.3 A member making a request for playing time in person or by telephone shall be granted no more than 1 (one) starting time per day, per call. All names of players in a group are to be recorded when reserving tee times.

7.4 Any member who does not show for their reserved tee time and has not advised the Starter/Pro Shop by at least one hour prior to their scheduled tee time, shall lose the privilege of booking tee times in advance, for a period of one week. Any non-member booking tee times must guarantee time with an approved and valid credit card. Cancellations will be allowed up to 9:00 a.m. on playing day.

7.5 As a member of the P.E.I. Golf Association and the P.E.I. Ladies Golf Association and affiliated with the respective National associations, the Club, from time to time must be host Club for the staging of Provincial and National tournaments. The Directors must arrange such special events in such manner as to reduce to a minimum the interference with the Club members' privileges to use the Golf Course and other Club facilities. Directors will make every effort, when possible, to schedule all tournaments or special events after 10:00 a.m.

7.6 Children under the age of 10 years are not permitted on the Course at any time except on Sunday after 6:00 p.m. when accompanied by a member parent. Notwithstanding, children of any age may use the practise range and take part in the golf clinics for children with the permission of and subject to the sole discretion of the Manager.

7.7 It is the responsibility of all members to completely familiarize themselves with the rules for play at Belvedere Golf Club as well as the Rules of Etiquette.

7.8 The Handicap Committee or the Games Committee has the right to assign a Handicap to members entering Club competitions who fail to register in the computer the differentials of all of their completed rounds.

Mechanical Cars

7.9 It is the responsibility of each member using a mechanical car, to use good judgment in the use of the car, and take every precaution to protect the course from possible damage. This can best be achieved by observing the posted instructions on the signs. Members will be held responsible for damage to the course, cars or carts as the result of misuse.

7.10 The use of mechanical cars on the course may, from time to time be restricted by the Course Superintendent if, in his judgment, they may cause damage to the course.

7.11 Members who do not obey the rules governing the use of mechanical cars may have their car privileges withheld for the balance of any playing season, or as long as the responsible authority deems advisable.

7.12 Privately owned mechanical cars may be permitted, but the Club shall not be responsible for storage and servicing. Members wishing to use a private motorized golf car at Belvedere shall pay a fee as determined by the Board of Directors.